ABOUT US:   At Bothell Physical Therapy, your Physical Therapist will create an individual program that is specifically developed for you based on a complete evaluation of your condition. Our rehabilitation philosophy is to promote healing through a combination of hands on treatment and specifically prescribed rehabilitative exercise, as well as to educate our clients in injury prevention, body mechanics and self-help techniques. We aim to provide you with the best physical therapy experience in Bothell. 

We work with each individual client and their physicians to design a treatment program that fits their lifestyle to ensure the best possible outcome. The ultimate goal is for you to return to normal activities of daily living, work and participation in sports or recreational activities.

As you improve, your exercise program will progress to fit your needs for coordination, balance, endurance and strength training. You can expect your physical therapy experience to be unique, one on one and allow you to meet your individual goals. We are able to assist you with transitioning from exercise for rehabilitation to exercise for health maintenance, cardiovascular improvement, return to work and/or enhanced athletic performance.



FREE Injury Screening

FREE INJURY SCREENING OFFER: If you have any chronic aches or pains, call Bothell Physical Therapy to schedule a free injury screening consultation with a physical therapist:  (425) 939-2806 or visit www.retptgroup.com.

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